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Books on Physics and Cosmology 

This book gives a comprehensive treatment on the historical discoveries and scientific developments concerning the physical Universe. Discussions begin with ancient philosophies on the behavior of the Cosmos and ends with exciting modern discoveries that are leading us to unlocking the hidden mysteries of reality. The topics covered in this fascinating book discuss disciplines such as Astronomy, Newtonian Mechanics, Electro-magnetism, Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Particle Physics, and String Theory all in a historical context. There are virtually no mathematical equations for the reader to be concerned with. This book is written for the general reader that has a curiosity about the makeup and dynamics of the Universe. It is a refreshing alternative to some of the rigorous physics books on the


Books on Philosophy and Religion

Philosophy of Science and Religion Concerning the nature of Humanity and of Reality So, what does it mean to study philosophy? Where did the concept of "philosophy" come from? What was the motivation behind it? Understanding the goals of philosophers and what motivated these goals is the key to understanding the sorts of questions they ask and their proposed methods of answering them. Philosophy is the systematic study of reality using good reasoning in order to clarify difficult questions, solve significant problems, and enrich human lives. The main focus in the writing of this book has been to communicate the central ideas and philosophical concepts of the nature of humanity and of reality. 

Medical Apps.

So we know DNA is that “prime mover” inside nearly every cell in your body. Built from a long string of nucleotides called T, G, C, A. And it’s the order of these nucleotides that helps determine who you are and tells us about our ancient family history. But the long sought-after answer to the riddle was how it all gives rise to becoming who we are. The unveiled mystery lies in how your DNA is packaged inside your cells. When we look at a section of DNA with its particular order of As, Cs, Gs and Ts, it’s a little bit like looking from a page in a book. Each page is lined up alongside a lot of other pages, one right after the other, in a row. Together this long string of pages composes a chapter in the story of who you are.

Educational Apps.

Educational Apps in various academic subjects

Educational Apps designed to enhance students' education in various academic subjects have become increasingly popular and effective tools in modern learning environments. These apps provide students with interactive and engaging ways to explore and understand complex concepts across a wide range of subjects. Through interactive quizzes, virtual simulations, and personalized learning pathways, these apps offer tailored educational experiences that cater to individual learning styles and paces.

Math and Logic Games

Math and Logic games help to improve functional cognition.

Moreover, these apps often incorporate gamification elements, such as rewards and progress tracking, further motivating students and making the learning process enjoyable. By leveraging the power of technology, these apps empower students to take control of their education, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for various academic subjects.

Action Video Games

Action Video Games

Action video games have been shown to have a significant impact on enhancing cognitive abilities, particularly in areas related to attention, perception, and working memory. Research indicates that frequent engagement in action video games leads to improvements in various cognitive skills, such as visual attention and spatial cognition (Green & Bavelier, 2003). These games often require players to rapidly process visual information, make quick decisions, and adapt to changing environments, thereby honing their cognitive flexibility and attentional control (Greenfield et al., 1994). Additionally, action video games typically involve complex, dynamic scenarios that challenge players to multitask effectively, enhancing their ability to allocate attentional resources efficiently (Boot et al., 2008).

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